Vision-Mission-Values-Cover 2023

Our Mission

To share the love and presence of Christ in our community through acts of compassion and mercy in a manner that respects the inherent dignity of every person.   

About Us

Over 65 years ago, Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County (CSSW) was established to change the lives of some of the most vulnerable persons in the surrounding communities and neighborhoods. At the start, the organization focused on the needs of pregnant women and families, including the provision of food. Decades later, these foundational services remain active, alongside 16 additional programs, all sharing the vision of creating better everyday life for the people we serve. Acts of mercy and love occur quietly each day through our Catholic values, positively impacting the lives of both clients and the CSSW workforce that serve with core values of courage, collaboration, empowerment, and humanity.

CSSW’s model of care focuses on assessing all areas of need, providing care internally and/or in collaboration with community partners, to ensure clients receive services tailored to address their unique barriers, while leaning on their unique strengths, ensuring a holistic approach that addresses not just the challenge initially expressed by the client, but also underlying causes of the concern.  Our goals in doing so are to help improve health and safety risks, reduce life in poverty, enhance community engagement, and promote people and families to reach their full potential and well-being.

The work of Catholic Social Services is the work of the Catholic Church, which unequivocally denounces racism, discrimination, injustice, and violence in all forms.  Inherent to our mission is defending and caring for the oppressed, marginalized, and forgotten within our community, promoting the dignity and value of every individual, and respecting our shared humanity. Our unwavering commitment to these core values remains strong in the face of increasing injustice.  As a social service agency, we will continue to be a learning organization that strives to live and promote the Gospel message of equality and justice, with the dignity and love of neighbor that is the foundation of our Catholic Social Teachings.

As a ministry of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Lansing, we serve everyone in need, regardless of their faith background.  We welcome volunteers and staff who would like to grow through compassionate service to our neighbors.

Learn more about Catholic Social Teaching at Catholic Social Teaching - Catholic Social Services (

2023 CSSW Brochure Cover
2023 CSSW Brochure

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