CSSW’s Home Services Lawn Program is more than lawn cutting…

The Home Services Lawn Program is more than a service, it is a commitment to people. In this case, the service is much more than mowing someone’s lawn, it is about caring for the people that it helps. That is, because the team visits neighborhoods regularly, changes in people, behaviors, and the environment are easy to spot, because our team cares and wants to help. This comes from caring about people.

For example, one client just so happened to take two back-to-back vacations without folks in the neighborhood knowing or being informed of her whereabouts. CSSW staff members reported that they had not seen this client for some time; typically, she frequently would come outside and visit with staff, and it was unlike her to be absent. Staff members reached out to the client by phone and learned she was on vacation, leaving a message about their concerns. Upon her return, she was grateful for receiving a call asking if everything was okay and that the staff was looking out for her well-being. The client contacted CSSW and thanked us stating “it is a relief to know some is watching out for her.” Often, these bonds are created by the outstanding listening and observation skills of our technicians, and that is a treasured asset for CSSW.