Restore the Balance

Help Us Restore the Balance

Every day, we see families struggling with uncertainty, violence, and poverty. These disadvantages can quickly snowball into an avalanche, muffling voices already overwhelmed by trauma and exhaustion.

And that’s exactly why our counselors work so hard to coax abused and neglected children out of their terrors; why our volunteers and staff haul fresh produce and canned goods in the frigid winter to stock our Emergency Food Pantry; why our pregnancy counselors open their hearts to panicking women with unplanned pregnancies; and why friends like you offer hope to our most desperate neighbors through your generous support.

Your contribution to our Lenten Appeal:

  • Connects women in crisis-pregnancies with resources that allow them to make informed decisions and plans
  • Helps overwhelmed new parents learn effective parenting skills
  • Offers consistency and support to children that cannot remain with their families
  • Provides counseling, medical exams, and legal help for child sexual-abuse victims and their families
  • Eases access to health care and other services for our low-income Behavioral Health Counseling clients
  • Helps those battling mental illness, addiction, or substance abuse to face everyday challenges
  • Assists ex-offenders in securing proper identification, housing, and employment—enabling them to rebuild their lives
  • Ensures that struggling families and elders have sufficient food
  • Provides respite support for families straining to care for frail or infirmed loved ones

Thank You

Your Lenten gift speaks volumes for those with no voice and helps restore balance in the lives of our neighbors. We thank you for your commitment to creating a more just world.