Meet Our Team: Q&A with Mindy

Meet our amazing CSSW Team! Kicking off our Q&A series with Mindy, a dedicated MDOC Substance Abuse Therapist who began her inspiring journey at CSSW in the Fall of 2022.

What is your position, and how long have you been with CSSW?

I began at CSSW in the Fall of 2022. I wanted to do my second internship there while completing my MSW at Eastern Michigan University. After completing my internship and graduating, I was hired at CSSW as an MDOC Substance Abuse Therapist. So, I have been with CSSW for about a year and eight months.

What made you decide to work for CSSW?

My first internship was inpatient and for my second one, I wanted to do outpatient work. I wanted to help people while they were busy living their lives, as opposed to helping them when they had been removed from their normal lives. I sought out CSSW because I had never worked at a Catholic agency before and the idea of it really appealed to me.
What is your favorite part of your job?

I like to go where the spirit guides me so-to-speak. I never dreamed I would go into a women’s prison… at least I hoped that I wouldn’t! But CSSW asked me to do this, and I agreed to give it a try. It made me super nervous to go in, but as soon as I saw the women walking around, I felt calmer, and I felt like I was meant to be there helping them. In a way, I feel it is a ministry. When working in addictions, the concept of “rock bottom” is very important. I feel like many of my clients are at their rock bottom and I feel good about being with them during part of their journey… letting them know they are not alone, and they are not forgotten.

Tell us about an experience that you will always remember.

During my first few months working in the prison, a woman in my group said that I was like the woman in the movie Dangerous Minds. The other women in the group agreed, and they encouraged me to go home and watch the movie. I did and I felt really touched that they equated me with Michelle Pfeiffer’s character. When I was growing up, I always wanted to look like Michelle Pfeiffer, and I never figured out how to do that! But the character she played in that movie was very inspiring and I felt so glad that the women saw me in that light.

Anything else that you would like to share?

I really appreciate the opportunities that CSSW has given me. I feel like I am where I belong.