Privacy Policy

At Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County, we recognize the importance of protecting the privacy of visitors to our site. In order to protect this privacy, we use the information acquired from visitors for internal purposes only and maintain proper security measures in order to prevent others from acquiring that information.

In addition, we do not release any information we receive over this website to a third party unless an individual gives their permission. We will respect all requests not to be contacted and will suppress the use of personal information if a person requests us to do so. Nevertheless, Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County will disclose all information as required by law.

Any and all information regarding Protected Health Information falls under our general privacy practices and HIPAA regulations. Details of these privacy practices can be found in the Notice of Privacy Practices of Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County.

The links on this website are meant as a convenience for visitors to this website and do not necessarily mean that Catholic Social Services endorses information and opinions disseminated by those parties, nor does it mean that those parties endorse the information or opinions disseminated by Catholic Social Services. Catholic Social Services is not responsible for any information or opinions presented by those parties. Finally, Catholic Social Services offers no guarantees of the accuracy of the information on our site, although we attempt to make information presented as accurate as possible.

This website may contain copyrighted materials. These materials may not be reproduced or used in any way by unauthorized users without first receiving permission from Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County. Authorized users include those using the materials for not-for-profit or educational purposes. In addition, this website may contain links to materials copyrighted by others. These third parties retain the rights to these materials and must be contacted directly to obtain permission to use them.

If, for any reason, you do not think that the site is not abiding by this policy, please feel free to contact us at: [email protected]

Washtenaw County ServicePoint PRIVACY STATEMENT CSSW Notice of Privacy Practices