CSSW Featured in Groundcover Magazine

march-1“The man had lived on the streets for many years. In his seventies, his health was not good. Because of some behavioral problems, he was not allowed to return to the Delonis Center, where he previously sought and received shelter. But with the assistance of a case manager, he was able to move into housing, and for the first time in years, had a friend with common interests who visited him regularly. His life has been significantly changed by the converted efforts of CSS and collaborating agencies.”

Budin, Sue. “Catholic Social Services Serves All Needs of Clients, from Counseling to Food.” Groundcover [Ann Arbor] Mar. 2015, Volume 6 ed., Issue 3 sec.: 1+. Print.

This excerpt is from the front page feature of CSSW in “Groundcover”, a newspaper creating an opportunity for low-income people to take action to end homelessness and poverty. COO David Garvin was interviewed for the article, discussing the services CSSW offers, from counseling to emergency food. Visit their website to view the entire article.