ADA Group Observer Information

To observe a group session at CCWC Domestic Violence Intervention Services (DVIS), please follow the guidelines below.

To schedule your observation, contact David Garvin via email  (***DO NOT Call***).

ADA Group Meeting Schedule

Monday: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Tuesday: 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Tuesday: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Wednesday: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm

RENEW Group Meeting Schedule

Monday: 6:45 pm – 8:45 pm
Tuesday: 9:15 am – 11:15 am
Tuesday: 5:30 am – 7:30 pm

Student Observation from a University

  1. Observations should be done in groups of three (maximum).
  2. When you send the email, please note the following: First and Last names of the 3 observers, a contact cell phone number for at least one of the observers, at least three different group dates/times you would like to observe, the time of the three different groups you are requesting to observe.

ADA Jail Program Note: Observation of services in the jail are not open without prior clearance by the Washtenaw County Jail.

RENEW Program Note: Students who are interested in observing a RENEW group must watch the video and read article listed below before scheduling an observation.

  1. Ellen Pence Plenary 2010 WSHH
  2. Re-Examining ‘Battering: Are All Acts of Violence Against Intimate Partners the Same? Ellen Pence Shamita Das Dasgupta, Praxis International, Inc. June 20, 2006
  3. All observers for RENEW must first observe an ADA group and will then be considered for scheduling for a RENEW observation

After the prospective observers have read the articles, Only one observer will be scheduled to observe a RENEW group at a time.

Observation by individuals not affiliated with a University

When you send the email, please note the following: First and Last name of the observer, a contact cell phone number for the observer, at least three different group dates/times you would like to observe

Due to the volume of observation requests received at DVIS, your request must be as required above or your email request will not be answered.

Additional Details about the Observation

  • Catholic Social Services of Washtenaw County address is: 4925 Packard, Ann Arbor, MI  48108-1521
  • This office is located on the NW Corner of the intersection of Packard and Golfside
  • Parking is directly in front of the building. Upon entering the building, inform the front desk staff that you are there to observe an ADA group meeting
  • Observers must arrange this in advance only communicating via email with David Garvin
  • Observers will be expected to arrive no later than 15 minutes prior to the scheduled group time, Observers arriving after this time will not be able to observe.
  • Observers will need to sign an observer confidentiality form
  • Food or drink are not permitted in the building
  • Observers who fail to follow these directives will not be permitted to observe programming
  • Observers who schedule an observation and fail to show up will not be permitted to re-schedule an observation